Algebra Global School is Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) with a Registration No. 66666. We have 50+ vibrant, charming and outstanding Faculties to accelerate academic exercise.
Algebra envisages to Create an ideal society of well-disciplined youngsters who are equipped with modern sophisticated schooling that creates innovative ideas to be more creative and productive for the overall growth of the society with a vision of stimulating every potential calibre for skill development.
Algebra Creating every possible facility to ease the students in enhancing their talents more creative and productive for the fulfillment of an ideal society. Motivating the youngsters to dream high about their future and ensuring their mental and physical growth in a pacific and stress-free atmosphere with an admiring personality and behaviour.

Co-curricular Programmes
Algebra has committed to offer 10 different co curricular programmes that can enhance the capability of students by continuous follow up.

Civil Service Foundation Program
Civil servants are the glamorous professionals who hold the reins of government in the country. Kerala, which has always been at the forefront of literacy, can’t offer much for civil service comparing to the number of civil service profes sionals in other states of India. Due to the lack of proper training and goal setting, the civil service sector is still beyond the reach of the keral ites.
The civil service is a secure zone that can be easily accessed by anyone with a goal cognizance proper preparation from the sixth standard on wards. The MET English School Civil Service Foundation Programme is being launched to achieve this goal.
The programme is led by the well experienced and talented teachers who have already proved their skill with their personal impact in the civil service realm in the years bygone. This programme aims to win a high rank in the civil service examina tions through accurate preparation and comprehensive training as well as it aims to score high marks in the NTSE – NTSE, the largest talent search exam in the country. An Extensive Reference Library , Reading Room, Mentoring Support, Interaction with the prominent personalities in the civil service etc. are the some of the features of this programme.

Medical Engineering Training
More than 1.5 million people take the NEET, the All India Medic11I Entrance Examination every year. Medical admission without paying lakhs is possible only if one gets admission in government scats which 11re less than 30,000. The program is designed to provide the students with a sense of purpose through uninterrupt ed training and an accurate curriculum , making use of the valuable services of t he eminent med ical professionals in the country.
The students will be experienced with ample questions in Mathematics, Ph ysics, Chemistry and Biology, which arc normall)’ asked for the competitive exams, within a period of three years from Cl11ss VIII to Cl11ss X. Since the trainings are led by the experts of this field , they can easily make out the facts relating to their lessons. So, the students will be well equipped with the content for facing any competitive exams.

Skill Studio
If the last century was a time when jobs were given by looking at certificates, this century focus es on skill development Nowadays, Skill -based learn in g is in evitable that its authenticity and import ance arc increas ing day by day. In this circumstan ce of exa ltin g the skills of the candid ates than their certificates, su ccess is pos sibl e only when the students arc stimulat ed with their creative skills. It is the goa l behind open ing the Skill Studio. This trainin g programme includes in its syllabus a”ariety of soft skills :rnd hard skills that arc easy to be practical for the students and this will lead to the creation of a happy society in the days to come.

Career Mapping
Imitating others in whatever they do, is a bad habit of majority of the keralites We prefer medical field /engineering / business just following the choice of our friend not because of our interest and talent in the particular field. Imitating others is just walking of a blind after his caretaker and it’s not suitable for anyone who has an average brilliance to realize the world. But, a student should be well guided and well disciplined to pursue further studies and find higher employment in the field of his interest.
Aiming to accomplish this notion, Career Mapping designs a particular curriculum that pro vides chances for every student to find out a suitable profession according to his choice and com petence. It is a venue for the UP students that gives them suitable resources to accomplish their dream profession. Through this, by the completion of the tenth standard, the student will be well envisioned for choosing a course well suited for his talent. Experts Talks, Campus Visits, lnten• iews with the personalities of elite careers arc the features of this programme.

Martial Arts Academy
Healthy physical growth and mental development are essential for making the studies an enjoying experience. Many studies have al ready reported that mastering the martial arts along with the class room studies influence the students greatly in their formal educa tion. MET has already formulated a variety of hilarious co-curricu lar activities for both the physical and mental growth of the stu dents. Making sure of the participation of every student, the Acade my of Martial Arts consists of Eeight items of amusing pro grammes like Karate, Ku ng Fu, Boxing ,Skating Horse Riding etc. This academy is also creates an enthusiastic and healthy society both in psyche and physique.

Nest Parenting School
The Curricular and Co-cu rricular activities of a student is greatly influenced by the attitudes of the parents towards him/her. An ideal student is formed when the parents use to commend the learning excellence of their child with ample appreciations and cor rect his/ her minor mistakes with spineless convincing words as well. A good student can only be emerged if the parents pay a cardinal attention to be themselves the ideal parents along with providing quality education to their child. This Parenting School aims to create such ideal parents by design ing a set of IO sections over a period of 10 months with one session for each month.

Learning Clinic
The students are greatly influenced by their mental and physical stresses and consequently that will affect their studies. There are a lot of students around us who are over grieved by even some silly matters and ,spend sleep less nights with hungry stomachs. They are utterly help less , as no body comes to console them or solve their ever haunting problem.
The presence of a person to console the students at times they need it as they require, is absolutely a great thing. The advices and suggestions of a good councilor is essen tial for the mental health of the students. So, the learning Clinic is the highlight as well as an integral part of the project that aims to console the students and make them comfort always. Further more, it helps them take deci sions at the crucial moments as well. The slow learners who are lagging behind in their studies will be given advices and suggestions to bring them into the mainstream. Bringing the backward students to the forefront and making every student comfort by red ucing the stress , etc. are the main pu rposes of this Amazing Clinic.

Service Wing
This wing is meant to enhance the discipline and service mind in children. Scout and Guide , National Service Scheme, Red Cross and Bunnies are the active movements working in the campus for the gratification of this goal.This wing ensu res the enhancement of the service mind set in the children through a high quality training programme very systematically with a specified schedule. More over, it makes the children the promises of tomorrow by providing better training’s and motivations throughout the schooling under the guidance of well qualified and expert trainers.

English Lab
It aims to make the students confident enough to deal with the English language ,the most spoken language world wide, very easily at any circumstances. This lab not only practises the comm unicative English but also makes them competent for practical conversations through sophisticated language training like listening to standard English news, live debates, news anchoring, TED talks, news reporting etc. This project is expected to enhance the language calibre of the students along with the empowerment of knowledge hunting .

Living health
Living health is an initiative that ensures the good health condition along with the hectic schedule of curricular activities. The main highlight of this programme is visiting of a team of specialized doctors once in every three months and they will conduct a detailed checkup of teeth, eye and ENT. Through this initiative, we ensure that we’ll care the students as a healthy young society via a systematic medical solutions.